20 Tips to Get Your Home Ready to Sell Fast
  1. Make sure your entranceway says “Hey, look at me!”
  2. Prune dead limbs from trees.
  3. Weed flower beds and trim shrubs.
  4. Mow lawn, edge driveway and walkways
  5. Throw out junk from garage and storage areas.
  6. Clean lawn furniture.
  7. If you have a pool, make it crystal clear.
  8. Paint (or touch up) exterior, and repair screens and windows.
  9. Ensure windows, doors, and locks work smoothly.
  10. Clean your windows.
  11. Check A/C and heating systems.
  12. Fix leaky faucets, toilets, and faulty lights
  13. Vacuum drapes and carpets.
  14. Repair wall cracks, re-caulk bathrooms and kitchen.
  15. Clear out closets.
  16. Remove excess furniture.
  17. Clear off countertops.
  18. Rid the house of personal effects.
  19. Keep cats and dogs out of visitors’ way.
  20. Don’t forget to keep the house clean every minute it’s on the market. This takes great effort, but the buyer may need to see it in the next five minutes and you’ll need to be prepared.

By making small repairs, organizing, and carefully editing your possessions, you’re ensuring that your home will appeal to the greatest number of potential buyers. Remember to remove about half of the items stored in closets and cabinets and toss or give away things you don’t use. Not only will de-cluttering and cleaning help to sell your house quickly, you’ll be ahead of the game when it comes to packing up and moving to your new location.